This fragrance brings us to “the Garden of earthly delights” by Hieronymus Bosh, exhibited at El Prado museum in Madrid.
This triptych is considered a masterpiece of surrealism for its complex symbolism: humanity is represented, according to the
Christian doctrine of the Middle Ages, with all its vices and its
perversionsinasatiricalrepresentationof men’ssins.
On the external panels, visible only when the Triptych is
closed, in the upper part God appears in the act of creation:
the world is represented like a transparent sphere. Once
opened it reveals its great beauty.
Paradiso Perduto’s fragrance took inspiration from the central
panel , where pleasures and love are represented: exotic
animals symbolizing lust, a crowd of nude figures some of
them in erotic abandon, others in a chrysalis stage are fed
by birds that carry cherries and strawberries in their beaks,
considered fruits with aphrodisiac properties. In the third panel
the scene turns into a demonic concert: musical instruments
become means to inflict suffering and pain. An olfactory
representation of the contrasts present in the triptych.
Christian Provenzano
The representation of human vices.
A world where everything is allowed