This dessert originally contains the Tuscan Alchermes liqueur. Arabic: القرمز qirmiz or kirmizi (قرمز) Alkermes is a liqueur* that has always been used in gourmet pastry masterpieces such as Battenberg cake or Tuscan sweet peaches, especially in central Italy, of Arab origin. However, it was the Spanish who introduced it to Italy. In Florence, it was prepared in the Officina dei frati di Santa Maria Novella, where it was known as an elixir of long life for the aromatic medicinal plants and the animal red color it contains.
This liqueur as one of the special ingredients of the perfume Alchermes De Gabor is purchased from that famous company. The original liqueur has among its greatest admirers Caterina de' Medici who, once married Henry II of Orléans, made the product known also in France, where it was called "liquore de' Medici". The first transcribed recipe dates back to 1743. The ingredients of the Alchermes liqueur are concentrated in Alchermes De Gabor, a spicy fougère perfume with a strong reference to the liqueur itself. The reference to the red animal embodied by the burning amber and the fresh red Tuscan leather. The red saffron with proven medical benefits. Only for adults over 18 years.
A peach-shaped pastry with red, orange or even red-green dough spheres filled with a delicious amber-brown cream, it has been one of Gabriel Gabor's childhood favorites.